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SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

Mock Exams

All upper school learners who attend one or more IB subjects have IB mock exams in November. Senior classes will do these from Nov. 13th-15th, and Juniors from Nov. 26th-28th. The grade from these mock exams will make up part of their overall semester grade.

These exams will be an opportunity for learners to experience a close simulation of the real exams they will take in May of 2019 or 2020. It is very important that the process is taken seriously. Learners need to arrive to the Village on time, well-rested, and having reviewed carefully. Phones will be collected from them for the duration of the exam. Food and snacks are not allowed. Water is permitted as long as it is in an unmarked bottle; labels must be removed. If you need a timetable or if you have any questions, please contact abbie.neall@scvi-k12.org.

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