Be sure to check your email later today for a link to purchase tickets to the SCVi Winter Show! This highly anticipated event often sells out. Our TK-5th grade learners will be asked to perform in half the shows. We have broken down the TK-5th grade learner shows by first letter of last name:
Learners with last name that begins with the letters A-K will perform:
- Wed. 12/14 at 10:00 am *
- Wed. 12/14 at 6:30 pm
- Thur. 12/15 at 2:30 pm
Learners with last name that begins with the letters L-Z will perform:
- Wed. 12/14 at 2:30 pm
- Thur. 12/15 at 10:00 am *
- Thur. 12/15 at 6:30 pm
All Middle and Upper School performers are encouraged to be there for every show.
**We understand that some of our Middle and Upper School learners have siblings in the TK-5th grades. We welcome all TK-5th grade learners who would like to perform on the evening that does not correspond with their last name when their older sibling is performing.
Please keep an eye out for email with link to reserve tickets coming soon.
Be sure to visit our Holiday Boutique before, between, and after the show!