
SCVi Launching a Student Newspaper

The SCVi school newspaper is coming this semester. A newspaper will be a vital and interactive part of the learning experience here at SCVi. The goal of the paper is to inform and unite learners of all grade levels, and this is not just limited to readers. Staff will also receive the same inspiration, and will also feel a sense of pride and unity about their creations in the paper.

Staff positions are going fast, so if you are interested in working for the paper, send email samples of your work that fit the staff job you are interested in (i.e. writing sample, art sample, design sample, photography sample, etc.) to scvinewspapereditor@scvi-k12.org

Once we get all the student submissions, I will review the samples provided together with my facilitator advisors, Mr. Adam Marconowski and Mr. Alex Johnson.

All samples will be evaluated on quality, and not on the grade level of the learner. If you are not selected for one of the staff positions, you can still come to the design tech meeting to inquire about submitting freelance work to the paper!